News — Nerd News
Solo - The Internet Is Full of Douchebags
So. Let's just get into it.
I just recently saw Solo after being kept away from it for far too long. The movie came out when I was WAY over my head with work, life and emergencies and I wasn't able to go see it in theaters. I was stuck waiting for the movie to come out on blu-ray (yes, I still buy hard copies), so I waited. Then things got busy again and I finally, at long last was able to watch the movie.
I had heard about all of the controversy about the film. The fact...
Battletech - Initial Reactions
So let's talk Battletech! It's brand new. Just dropped last week. And I've been a huge Battletech nerd since I snagged the boxed set from Barnes & Nobles when I was a teenager and made my sister play the first game with me so I could figure out the rules.
I just fired up the game last night and I haven't gotten very far into it yet but I have opinions and thoughts that I feel people thinking about snagging the game should hear.
I played the...
The Lost In Space Reboot Offers a Fun CW Style Story.
I sat down this weekend with some time on my hands, mostly because I was so exhausted from the week prior that I didn't want to do anything else, and noticed the recently released Netflix Original Series: Lost In Space. A reboot after a reboot that I was hesitant to even consider until I watched the trailer Netflix pushed as I scrolled over the title. Ok, I'm listening.
Fast forward an hour or two later and I had finished the first episode and immediately got on social:
Ok then @lostinspacetv I just...
Battletech's Original Inner Sphere Maps Were Just Released and They're Awesome.
Author and Novelist Blaine L. Pardoe just published a set of images on his blog of some of the very first Inner Sphere maps from Battletech and I can't help but geek out about it.
He writes:
"I have been a BattleTech writer since the first Tech Readout (3025). I saw the unseen before they were, well, unseen. Some of my FASA-era background material over the years has just plain been lost or discarded decades ago when I deemed it hopelessly obsolete.
Some, not all.
I have unearthed a treasure trove of old material. I...